Products That Can Save Lives.
Save your medical alert information within the QR code found on each keyring and then attach them on any item you wear or carry with you such as a set of house or car keys, a bag or laptop case, travelling luggage, a wallet or belt loop.
Each sticker's QR code is unique and can hold up to 20 next of kin contact details along with plenty of space for any medical conditions, allergies and blood group (if you know it), if you've got a pet at home alone put that in there too.
These Taggisar Keyrings perform the same function as the Taggisar Stickers and are ideal for those who go out without taking anything but their car or house keys, perhaps when just nipping to the shop or going out for a walk.
As with our stickers, the keyrings can be easily linked to other keyrings or stickers to store the same data on both, the information can then be updated at any time free of charge by scanning the QR code or by using the Taggisar app which is available for Android in the Google Play store or for iPhone in the Apple Store.
The QR code contains an encoded URL or web page address. When the QR code is scanned by a QR or barcode reading app on a smartphone, the smartphone’s browser is opened to the encoded URL – your Emergency Contact Record.
The system allows you to create a personalised Emergency Contact Record. You decide what is and is not included. You might include a single emergency contact or you might have several. You might include information about food allergies or other medical conditions. Once you save that information it is stored securely in our database. The information is NEVER given out or used in any way except to display your personal Emergency Contact Record.
After you enter your Emergency Contact Details, you activate your tag. This ties the unique reference of the tag to your Emergency Contact Record. Details can be changed at any time
If the worst happens and you have an accident or are otherwise incapacitated, your ICE QR code speaks for you. Emergency personnel (first responders) are trained to look for ICE or “In Case of Emergency” details. The easily recognised design of the ICE logo ensures first responders will notice it. Once they do, they will scan the QR code and instantly get the Emergency Contact Record information you stored.
If they don’t have a QR reader app on their phone, they can just launch their browser
Once you enter your emergency information and link it to your ICE Sticker it is stored securely on our server.
Information stored is only available for users knowing the exact URL to the ICE Sticker.
The URLs include a random code with 390 million combinations. If someone tries to guess the code, the users IP address will be blocked after three attempts.
Some information stored, e.g. users email address, is only available for users knowing the exact URL, plus a PIN code. The PIN code is a random number with 10,000 combinations. If someone tried to guess to PIN code, the QR code will be blocked after three attempts.
The information stored on the Taggisar server is managed according the Swedish Personal Data Act (2008:204) Ref 1. Please click here for our policy http://taggisar.se/menu.php?action=privacy